When I decided to take the first Pranic healing course, I was pretty skeptical. But I’m also quite adventurous and if something piques my interest, I go ahead and try it. I welcome healthy skepticism - in fact, I would think something would be really amiss if someone is asked to take a blind leap of faith and would do just that - leap blindly.
And yet, closed minded bigotry or skepticism and those nay sayers of this world who just make uneducated and blind presumptions and pass judgment on someone or something, makes me realize again and again what a dangerous thing it is to have that in the world.
It’s our closed-mindedness that makes us judge people negatively and the consequences can be horrific. Look at what has happened to the Muslim community and the Sikh community in terms of violence and racial profiling in the aftermath of September 11. Look at the horrible crimes committed against the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. It shows through in the way we look at blacks and many other ethnic groups even today.
When you look through history or even day to day life, you can see that close mindedness and the herd mentality of people. It’s often evident in the way we judge others, the way gossip spreads and how quickly many people believe hearsay. Look at the large number of people who were suckered in to experiences like the Madoff affair, the Enron debacle, the cults that sprout and many times lead to tragedy-(if you look at cult suicides on Wikipedia you’ll know what I mean). You see it in the fanaticism in religion that has cost us so much grief. I see so many people losing money, property, family ties following some gurus who later turn out to be crooks.
So it’s always good to question, research and experience something for yourself rather than take someone else’s word for it.
But what has really surprised me though with Pranic healing has been the very small number of closed minded people that I have encountered. I have met skeptics yes, but with the exception of may be one or two people, everyone has been so totally respectful and willing to hear me out. So many have gone ahead tried it for themselves, sent others to learn, that I have been taken quite by surprise. And every person I have treated has been so kind and generous in their testimonials and their appreciation of how they felt after I spent some time with them.
I was also surprised at how many celebrities have experienced energy medicine and support my work in Pranic healing, from the emails I received when they read or found out about my foray into it.
Another surprise has been the number of husbands who have come with their wives who wanted to be treated. Some are physicians and others in diverse careers, but while some told me quite openly they weren’t sure this worked they wanted to support their wives and my work. I’m really happy to say; today many of them have or are taking the course or reading the books related to Pranic healing.
There are so many people who have contacted me from different parts of the world-UK, Australia, Japan, Canada and I have given them long distance healing with startling and very gratifying results.
Many of my friends and family members tease me that if they hear one more word about Pranic healing, they will disown me. But they continue to support every adventure I have embarked on-Pranic healing being the latest.
So many physicians have heard me out, asked questions and appreciated what I’ve done for their patients. Many are learning the technique and successfully applying them on their patients. Others have referred them to me. I will be bringing you some of the stories of those people in the coming weeks and months.
While there is no size that fits all-no medicine or alternative medicine that works for everyone, I believe that if someone experiences even 10 percent relief with Pranic healing its been worth my time and theirs.
I happened to be reading something Master Choa Kok Sui had said. He said that people who criticize the most do the least work so stay away from them. I can add that bigotry and closed mindedness has no boundaries other than what we set ourselves. And when we open our hearts and minds to this adventure called life, the possibilities are endless. So I would encourage all of you to try Pranic healing. I know this much-many of you will be quite pleasantly surprised.
Pranic Healing Master Marilag Mendoza will be teaching a class on August 28th-30th. Go the link and sign up.